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Chicken Rally 2013 and Beyond ...

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  • Chicken Rally 2013 and Beyond ...

    Had a question posted on the BMW Motorcycle Owners of Alabama FaceBook page where it was asked :

    "hey, so whats the status on the Chicken Rally now? is it done i heard there was going to be something different in the future...."

    Here is the F.Y.I. for anyone else who may have heard this rumor ...

    The Chicken Rally is still a 100% go for 2013, - but, each year, there has been no guarantee that there will be a rally the following year, until it is voted upon by the general membership at our annual business meeting held on the last Sunday in January, (a mere four months before the Chicken Rally would happen on Memorial Day weekend.) ... However, due to steadily declining annual attendance, and steadily increasing costs, a Committee was recently formed to seek potential alternatives, - from a change of format, to a change of venue, to a change of date, to a reduction to a two-day Friday/Saturday rally, to an entire change of formula. It is still very possible that nothing will change, and there will be the exact same thing for 2014, - but so far, the Committee has agreed that they want to try to keep the same Memorial Day weekend, and they want to try to keep a "chicken" theme. Other venues are being scouted to see if there is a location with better amenities for a lesser cost, and the option of hiring an outside caterer is being looked at to reduce the workload upon aging Club volunteers who have been doing this every year for most of the last 25 years. ... Once the best options have been discovered, the options will be presented to the general membership at the January 2014 annual business meeting for them to vote what they want to keep, or change.

  • #2
    Once the best options have been discovered, the options will be presented to the general membership at the January 2014 annual business meeting for them to vote what they want to keep, or change.


    Our committee will report to the business meeting during the 2013 Chicken Rally...our finding and recommendations.

    At that point...the club can either...accept or reject our recommendations OR vote, discuss or table the options to the January 2014 meeting.

    I do agree waiting until January 2014 to make 2014 rally decisions may not give the Rally Chair Person(s) enough time.

    Thanks for the post and corrections on the FB account.
    Don G Norwood

    2011 R1200GSA Radio Flyer III with DMC sidecar
    1975 R90/6 w/Velorex sidecar -Sold to a good home
    2015 G650GS, 1998 1200C.

    Click here for more infomation FIRST SATURDAY IN DECEMBER

    "The Bike may have got us together, but the friendships will keep us together"


    • #3
      What bike are we raffling off this year? Please be very specific on what the $ value is as well. I have many folks over here wanting to know. There was some confusion last year about the ABS or not but it was solved quickly and professionaly by the club officers.

      Thanks in advance


      • #4
        2013 bmw g560gs raffle




        • #5
          Hey Steve, BMW solved the ABS or not question for us...everything they sell now has ABS...Lol!! Sell them tickets man!!
          Current Bikes
          '16 BMW R1200GSA "Buck"
          '18 BMW G310GS "Tiny"


          [I]BMWMOAL / BMWMOA / AMA / Dixie Dual Sport / IBA/ BMW Riders of Chattanooga

          I may not be here for a long time...but I am here for a good time!


          • #6
            Well ok then. I will let you know how many I need mailed over here in a week or so.


            • #7
              I sent an email out today announcing the raffle and have pre-sold 20 books already within 6 hours! I will let you know how many more I sell this week and will need some mailed over. I come home on the 3rd of May so I will bring it all with me then.


              • #8
                man!! That is great Steve! Keep it up! I am sure it doesn't hurt that last year's winner is right there with you to validate the program...Has he agreed to get in this year??
                Current Bikes
                '16 BMW R1200GSA "Buck"
                '18 BMW G310GS "Tiny"


                [I]BMWMOAL / BMWMOA / AMA / Dixie Dual Sport / IBA/ BMW Riders of Chattanooga

                I may not be here for a long time...but I am here for a good time!


                • #9
                  Yes sir. He bought another book. Everyone is buying books or multiple books instead of individual tickets.


                  • #10
                    Up to 26 books now! Who is the contact for sending them over?


                    • #11
                      Barbara Little is the keeper of the da man! Drop her an email ( and I bet she'll send 'em right over!
                      Current Bikes
                      '16 BMW R1200GSA "Buck"
                      '18 BMW G310GS "Tiny"


                      [I]BMWMOAL / BMWMOA / AMA / Dixie Dual Sport / IBA/ BMW Riders of Chattanooga

                      I may not be here for a long time...but I am here for a good time!


                      • #12
                        Email sent. 29 books now!


                        • #13
                          31 books and counting!!


                          • #14
                            man, you could easily have the winning ticket again!! Great job!
                            Current Bikes
                            '16 BMW R1200GSA "Buck"
                            '18 BMW G310GS "Tiny"


                            [I]BMWMOAL / BMWMOA / AMA / Dixie Dual Sport / IBA/ BMW Riders of Chattanooga

                            I may not be here for a long time...but I am here for a good time!


                            • #15
                              Wouldn't that be something? I plan to be there for the day/night this year. I should arrive early on Saturday and camp that evening.

